{{ __('Connected Accounts') }} {{ __('Connect your social media accounts to enable Sign In with OAuth.') }}
{{ __('If you feel any of your connected accounts have been compromised, you should disconnect them immediately and change your password.') }}
@foreach ($this->providers as $provider) @php $account = null; $account = $this->accounts->where('provider', $provider['id'])->first(); @endphp @if (! is_null($account))
@if (Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::managesProfilePhotos() && ! is_null($account->avatar_path)) @endif @if (($this->accounts->count() > 1 || ! is_null(auth()->user()->getAuthPassword()))) {{ __('Remove') }} @endif
@else {{ __('Connect') }} @endif
{{ __('Are you sure you want to remove this account?') }} {{ __('Please enter your password to confirm you would like to remove this account.') }}
{{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Remove Account') }}