{{ __('Connected Accounts') }}

{{ __('You are free to connect any social accounts to your profile and may remove any connected accounts at any time. If you feel any of your connected accounts have been compromised, you should disconnect them immediately and change your password.') }}

@foreach (JoelButcher\Socialstream\Socialstream::providers() as $provider) @php $account = null; $account = $user->connectedAccounts->where('provider', $provider['id'])->first(); @endphp @if (! is_null($account))
@if (($user->connectedAccounts->count() > 1 || ! is_null($user->getAuthPassword()))) {{ __('Remove') }} @endif
@else {{ __('Connect') }} @endif
@csrf @method('delete')

{{ __('Are you sure you want to remove this account?') }}

{{ __('Please enter your password to confirm you would like to remove this account.') }}

{{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Remove Account') }}
@endif @endforeach
@if (session('status') === 'connected-account-added')

{{ __('Account Connected!') }}
